Hello and
Welcome to our Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC) relating to our proposals for a residential led mixed use development of DK07 zoned housing lands comprising c. 1100 dwellings, local neighbourhood facilities, school site (subject to need), new distributor road linking the site from Saul Road to Ballyhornan Road, including the retention of existing wetlands and pondage area and all associated site works including parking, pedestrian link, cycleway, open space provision and landscaping at lands between Saul Road and Ballyhornan Road, located directly south of No. 16 Ardfern Park, Downpatrick, BT30 6XZ and directly east of No. 29 Brackenridge, Downpatrick, BT30 6SP.
Purpose of Consultation and Next Steps
The purpose of this consultation is to share our indicative proposals with the community and other interested parties, prior to the submission of a Full Planning Application to Newry, Mourne & Down District Council.
We are committed to engaging with members of the wider community and are now undertaking a period of pre-application community consultation (PACC) on our proposals.
The feedback received will be shared with the design team and will help to shape our proposals prior to the submission of a planning application. We will prepare a Pre-Application Community Consultation Report which will provide a summary of all feedback, our response and how we have incorporated any appropriate feedback into the final proposals for the scheme. This report will be submitted as part of the Full Planning Application to Newry, Mourne & Down District Council.
How to provide feedback and find out more
Consultation Event
An in-person consultation event is taking place on Thursday 9th January 2025 2:00pm – 7:00pm at St Patrick’s Golf Club, 43 Saul Road, Downpatrick, Co. Down, BT30 6PA. Information on the proposals, as included on the website, will be on display and members of the design team will be in attendance to answer any queries. Comment cards are available to provide any feedback.
A dedicated and bespoke website (www.DownpatrickDK07.com) is also available for interested parties to view the consultation document and site proposals and provide feedback. The website will be live from Monday 1st January – Friday 10th January 2025.
Information leaflets have been delivered to all businesses and residents within a 200m radius of the site. This leaflet included information on the development, details of the in-person event and the website, as well as contact information for the consultation manager. A comment card was also included in this leaflet to allow interested parties to provide feedback.
Speak to Us
Our project team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm to discuss the proposals or respond to any queries you may have.
Contact: Cavendish
Tel: 02890 267 099
Email: lindsay.millar@cavendishconsulting.com
Closing date for feedback:
Friday 10th January 2025, 5pm