A Drainage Strategy has been prepared by Hanna + Hutchinson Consulting Engineers Ltd, considering the proposed development foul sewerage strategy, the impact of the proposed development on the existing NI Water foul sewerage infrastructure, foul sewer upgrade works identified by NI Water to facilitate foul sewerage discharges from the development and a strategy to discharge and control surface water from the development into the existing watercourses.
The Site
The site’s topography varies significantly across the entire site from 45.30m to 58.0m. There are undesignated watercourses and ponds which traverse the site, which discharge into an existing watercourse which discharges south, crossing Ballyhornan Road and Struell Wells Road. A Pre-Development Enquiry and Wastewater Impact Assessment (WWIA) applications were submitted to NI Water to assess their infrastructure’s ability to serve the proposed development site. NI Water provided a WWIA Solution Engineering Report that states:
- NI Water has advised that their receiving wastewater treatment works, Downpatrick Wastewater Treatment Works, has sufficient hydraulic capacity to serve the proposed developments;
- NI Water has also advised that development is restricted at present by issues at several unsatisfactory intermittent discharges from the combined sewerage network, downstream of the proposed development site, and extensive lengths of downstream sewer including a foul sewage pumping station which are operating at capacity;
- Engage with NIW – Water Impact Assessment Team will continue to agree the details of all necessary upgrade works to facilitate the proposed development.