Ecological Features
The site is a largely greenfield site with occasional patches of low-lying wetland, set within an area of rolling drumlins. The site is located within the Strangford Lough River catchment, and therefore is hydrologically connected to Strangford Lough Special Area of Protection (SPA), Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI). None of these designated sites fall within the site boundary.
Designated sites within 15km of the study area include:
- Portulla Wood
- Slievenagriddle
- Strangford Lough
- Hollymount
- The Quoile area
Phase 1 habitat and protected species surveys have been undertaken at this site to include habitat, smooth newt, bird, bat and badger surveys.
Cultural Heritage
There are no recorded archaeological sites located within the boundary of the subject site, however, a mound (DOW038:001) is recorded immediately to the east. This area is defined by a small, slightly raised mound located within the western most field of the site. The location of the mound is potentially the most indicative aspect of archaeological significance; it sits on a high plateau which offers almost panoramic vistas, particularly to the east and south.
- Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) – There are ten archaeological sites within a 1km radius of the site boundary. These include ecclesiastical sites, a graveyard, enclosures, wells, and landscape features with possible prehistoric significance. There are no scheduled monuments within the study area.
- Architectural/cultural heritage structures – There are ten architectural/cultural heritage structures, comprising: six Listed Buildings, three Industrial Heritage Record sites and one Defence Heritage site within the 1km study area. There are no structures or records within the development boundary.