• A series of linked open spaces and green landscaped corridors; 
  • Areas of formal and informal accessible public open space; 
  • Equipped children’s play areas; 
  • Retention & enhancement of existing ecological features within the site; 
  • Open Space at circa 22%; 
  • Maximum travel distance for any resident to an area of open space around 100m; 
  • Encourage sustainable patterns of travel, through walking and cycle with convenient access to public transport network; 
  • Provision of links to the town centre and beyond; 
  • Use of appropriate speed restraint measures; 
  • Proposed local centre and community facility within walking distance of both existing and proposed residents; 
  • Maximum travel distance for any resident to local centre around 900m; 
  • 8-10m tree belt to be provided on eastern boundary of the new link road; 
  • Retention of mature trees and landscaping. 

Tree lined Avenues 

The proposal will include landscaping to create tree lined avenues to create an attractive living environment and to sensitively integrate linkages throughout the development. Examples of such proposals include: