The proposed residential-led mixed development proposes the following:
- A residential development of c. 1,100 dwellings, to include social and affordable housing;
- A new link road traversing through the site, linking the site from Saul Road to Ballyhornan Road;
- A neighbourhood centre is proposed to include retail outlets and community facilities;
- A proposed primary school site has been allocated which will be subject to need and discussions with the education authority;
- Consideration of the archaeological and ecological features of importance which are to be retained within and adjacent to the site; and
- The site contains designated areas for amenity open space under DK 22 which will be retained under the key site requirements.
The proposal has considered the key site requirements and as far as reasonably appropriate has incorporated these into the development. The KDC associated with DK07 require provision to be made for a link road, a primary school, a local neighbourhood centre and industrial / employment lands. The proposal deviates from these as illustrated below:
- Industry Use – the proposal does not provide lands for industry / employment lands. A number of sites zoned for industrial use within the settlement of Downpatrick remain vacant, including a substantial area of designated industrial land identified as DK14 in the Ards and North Area Plan 2015 which remains wholly undeveloped and sections of DK15 also zoned for industry remain partially undeveloped.
- School Site – Lands to accommodate a school have been retained within the wider DK07 designation if necessary, however the provision of a primary school on these lands will be subject to need and discussions with the Department of Education. Should it be identified that existing education provisions within the catchment area of Downpatrick are sufficient in serving both the local population with sufficient capacity to absorb any increase in population, the lands set aside for a school will be developed for housing.

- Provision for maximum 1100 residential units including a mix of detached, and semi-detached dwellings with townhouses and apartments in order to provide desirable housing choice and mix, including provision for social and affordable houses;
- The development will respect the surrounding context and will be appropriate to the character and topography of the site in terms of layout, scale, proportions, massing and appearance of buildings
- Predominately 2 storey dwellings with 2.5/ 3 storey landmark buildings;
- Housing density to be a minimum gross density of 20 dwellings per hectare and a maximum gross density of 25 dwellings;
- Create a distinctive and varied built environment that respects the surrounding environs, whilst generating a unique sense of place through the use of a range of materials, finishes and colour;
- The houses will be designed to be:
- Orientated to main communal spaces with pedestrian and cycling as primary movement systems through the development;
- Composed of high integrity building fabric to minimise energy transmission;
- Orientated to make maximum use of the passage of the sun; and
- Take account of neighbouring properties and the surrounding area.